Working With You and For You
Adjustable Pressures from 500 to 66,000 PSI

MT3RV, MT10RV, MT25RV, and MT66RV High Pressure Adjustable Relief Valves
  • Gas or liquid
  • Stainless steel
  • Externally adjustable
  • Can be mounted in line
  • Factory pressure setting available
  • Preset and locked cracking pressure "-L"
Relief valves are designed to protect systems and components against over-pressure both for gas and liquid high pressure systems.
Unit of Measure

Body Material

N/A Stainless Steel

Adjustment Gland Material

N/A Stainless Steel

Inlet or Thru Ports

N/A 1/4 in. FNPT (2)


N/A 1/4 in. FNPT

Adjustable Pressure

N/A 500 to 3000 psi
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