Working With You and For You
Maximator® Pipe line filters are used to filter process fluids in high pressure systems. The cup type design is used when maximum filtration surface area and a single micron size element is preferred. These high pressure NPT fittings are rated to 15,200 psi.

This design increases the filter area as much as 6 times the area of the disc type filter, and will permit higher flow rates with a lower pressure drop, and longer intervals between element changes. Filter elements come standard in: 5, 30 or 56 micron sizes and are easily replaced. Filters are rated for temperatures -60ºF to 660ºF.

body, cover, cover gland: 316 series stainless steel
Element: 300 series stainless steel
Unit of Measure

Pressure Rating

N/A 15,200 psi

Connection Type

N/A 3/4 in. NPT

Orifice Size

N/A 0.685 in

Micron Size

N/A 56 µm

Filter Element Areas

N/A 6.14 in²

Dimension A

N/A 6.57 in

Dimension B

N/A 5.12 in

C (Hex)

N/A 2.00 in

D (Hex)

N/A 2.00 in

Temperature Range

N/A -60 to 660 ºF


N/A Body, Cover, Cover Gland: 316 Series Stainless Steel Element: 300 Series Stainless Steel
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