Working With You and For You
Engineered to provide compact and portable high pressure gas solutions.


  • Low cost, fast shipment, ready to use
  • CGA connection and hose included
  • Gas inlet pressure to 3,000 psig
  • Gas outlet pressure to 4,350 psig
  • Adjustable 1,450-4,350 psig automatic shut-off switch
  • Completely portable nitrogen driven nitrogen gas booster
  • Oxygen system requires air or nitrogen drive gas
Suitable for industrial gas charging applications (Bottle and Bottle Cart not included)

Easy to connect and operate

Compact construction style

Lightweight and easy to transport

No risk from heat, flame or spark

One source drives and feeds the booster station

Unit is cleaned for Oxygen Service


Unit of Measure

Outlet Pressure

N/A 1,800 to 2,000 psi
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