Working With You and For You
Portable systems are ideal for generating elevated hydraulic or water pressures, using only shop air, at a variety of location throughout a facility. They are completely portable and require only a shop airline to operate if the reservoir option is selected.

A variety of pressure ranges are available to fit your specific requirements, from low pressures of 1,000 psi to high pressures of 101,000 psi. You may choose from a number of options to complete the test system best suited for your application.
Unit of Measure
Power Packs

L60-2 Pump Power Pack
List Price QUOTE

Power Packs

L100 Pump Power Pack
List Price QUOTE

Power Packs

L250 Pump Power Pack
List Price QUOTE

Power Packs

L300 Pump Power Pack
List Price QUOTE

Power Packs

L150-2 Pump Power Pack
List Price QUOTE
Pressure Rating N/A 15,000 psi N/A 20,000 psi N/A 30,000 psi N/A 30,000 psi N/A 30,000 psi
Outlet Pressure at 15 to (See Table)
Per Square Inch (psi) Shop Air Pressure
N/A 2,000 to 15,000 psi N/A 3,000 to 20,000 psi N/A 4,000 to 30,000 psi N/A 4,700 to 30,000 psi N/A 2,000 to 15,000 psi
Service N/A Oil Water
Ratio N/A 1:126 N/A 1:226 N/A 1:265 N/A 1:314 N/A 1:300
Pump Type N/A L60-2 N/A L100 N/A L250 N/A L300 N/A L150-2
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